TV Invasion (MOD Unlock, Remove Ads) 0.4.0 APK

TV Invasion (MOD Unlock, Remove Ads)
Version 0.4.0
Size 63 MB
Get it On Google Play
Support Android 6.0 and up

Have you ever imagined yourself facing evil TVs invading the world? In the game TV Invasion, you will enter a world where TVs are no longer harmless entertainment devices but have turned into dangerous enemies. Armed with a powerful remote control, your mission is to fight back against this evil wave of TVs and protect the world from their tyranny.

TV Invasion APK

Unique gameplay and control mechanism

The first highlight of TV Invasion is the unique remote control mechanism. Instead of using traditional weapons, you will use a remote control with many different powers, each assigned to different buttons. This makes for engaging strategic gameplay, forcing players to plan their attacks carefully. You need to take advantage of the unique effects of each button on the remote to exploit your enemy’s weaknesses and win.

Epic boss battles and dynamic challenges

Not only stopping at battles with regular TVs, TV Invasion also challenges players with epic boss battles. At the end of each attack, you will face giant boss monsters, requiring a high level of skill and strategy to defeat. These matches are not only intense but also deliver dramatic action and epic spectacle.

TV Invasion MOD

Continuous upgrades and advancements in TV Invasion

During the gameplay, you will earn rewards for defeating TV waves. These bonuses allow you to upgrade your remote with new powers and abilities. This upgrade system helps players feel motivated to progress and ready to face bigger challenges.

Graphics and sound

The graphics in TV Invasion are meticulously designed with vivid lighting and color effects, creating a world that is both familiar and full of danger. The sound in the game is also carefully cared for, from the sounds of battle to the tense background music, all of which contribute to creating a dramatic and suspenseful atmosphere.



TV Invasion is a unique and attractive game, combining strategic gameplay and dramatic action. With an innovative remote control mechanism, epic boss battles, and a rich upgrade system, the game promises to bring hours of entertainment full of fun and challenges. If you are ready to join the invasion and save the world from the tyranny of evil TVs, download TV Invasion now and prepare for an epic battle never happend!

What MOD is in this version?

  • MOD menu
  • Remove ads
  • Unlock all costumes.

GAMEHAYVL là miễn phí, không yêu cầu bạn gửi tin nhắn hay nhập số điện thoại. Hãy cẩn thận với quảng cáo yêu cầu đó!

Safe: No Malware

Update : 21/06/2024

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