Puppet Lord 3D (MOD Stones, Souls, Remove Ads) 1.0.17 APK

Puppet Lord 3D (MOD Stones, Souls, Remove Ads)
Version 1.0.17
Size 188 MB
Get it On Google Play
Support Android 6.0 and up

Puppet Lord 3D offers a haunting and unique experience in the horror game genre, where you take on the role of a character with the ability to control puppets. The creatures in the game, even though they look like children’s toys, contain unexpected horror and evil. The game not only takes players into a dark world but also challenges their psychology with action and sophisticated controls.

Puppet Lord 3D MOD

Puppet Lord 3D Storyline and Gameplay

In Puppet Lord 3D, you will play a character with an unhappy childhood and distorted personality, who decides to take revenge on life by using his special abilities to control monsters. puppets. These puppets are not only tools of murder but also symbols of pain and terror. You will connect the host’s soul to the puppets, allowing you to regulate their life and death. However, your mission is not just to kill the victim quickly, but to make them endure excruciating pain, to the point where death becomes the only release.

Puppet Lord 3D GAMEHAYVL

Graphics and Sound

Puppet Lord 3D‘s 3D graphics create a world full of dark colors and creepy details. The puppets are designed with a scary appearance, making players feel haunted every time they control them. The sound in the game is also carefully cared for, from the victims’ moans to the horrifying sounds of tearing apart flesh, all of which contribute to creating a tense and scary atmosphere.

Unique Experience

What’s special about Puppet Lord 3D is the way it combines horror elements with detailed gameplay controls. The player has full authority to break the victim’s legs, arms, or even cut off the victim’s body at will. You can freely create and exploit different methods of torture, turning each play into a unique and terrifying experience. The game not only requires control skills but also requires a strong mentality to endure and satisfy the horrifying obsessions it brings.

Puppet Lord 3D APK


Puppet Lord 3D is a unique title in the horror genre, offering a haunting and terrifying experience unlike any other game. With a deep storyline, impressive graphics and scary sounds, the game really challenges players in both control skills and psychology. If you are passionate about the horror genre and want to experience the feeling of power when controlling the life and death of others, Puppet Lord 3D is definitely an option not to be missed. Get ready to face the horror and become a puppet master in this gloomy world!

What MOD is in this version?

  • MOD unlimited diamonds
  • Infinite souls
  • Remove ads.

GAMEHAYVL là miễn phí, không yêu cầu bạn gửi tin nhắn hay nhập số điện thoại. Hãy cẩn thận với quảng cáo yêu cầu đó!

Safe: No Malware

Update : 21/06/2024

Shared by ThànhND

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