Little Robot (MOD Coins x100, Remove Ads) 0.4.3 APK

Little Robot (MOD Coins x100, Remove Ads)
Version 0.4.3
Size 130 MB
Get it On Google Play
Support Android 6.0 and up

Little Robot is a new and creative game on the Android platform, where players will enter a world full of challenges and surprises. In the role of a robot controller, you will have to destroy enemy robots to control them and turn them into loyal warriors to serve you.

Little Robot MOD

Little Robot – Plot and Setting

Little Robot takes players into a futuristic setting where robots play an important role in life and combat. Players will face powerful enemies, using intelligence and tactics to destroy and control enemy robots. Every battle brings new challenges, forcing you to continuously improve your skills and tactics.

Creative Gameplay

One of the highlights of Little Robot is its unique and innovative control mechanism. Players not only need to destroy enemy robots but also control them after they are destroyed. This creates a deep tactical element, as you must decide which robot to use in battle next, and how to make the most of their power.

Little Robot GAMEHAYVL

Controlling and using enemy robots makes the gameplay rich and varied. Each type of robot has unique characteristics and skills, allowing you to build many different strategies depending on the situation. This requires players to have flexibility and the ability to improvise quickly in matches.

Graphics and Sound

Little Robot possesses beautiful and detailed graphics, bringing a vivid and attractive future world. Robot designs are carefully thought out, with meticulous and rich details, helping players easily distinguish and take advantage of different types of robots. Besides, vivid and realistic sound effects add to the appeal of the game, bringing players into dramatic and thrilling battles.

Challenges and Rewards

The game brings many diverse challenges, from small battles to big battles with powerful bosses. Each challenge requires players to have appropriate strategies and the ability to flexibly control the robot. In addition, after each battle, you will receive valuable rewards, helping to upgrade and improve the strength of your robot army.

Little Robot APKPURE


Little Robot is a game not to be missed for those who love the strategy and action genre. With creative gameplay, beautiful graphics and vivid sound, the game promises to bring interesting and unique experiences to players. If you are looking for a new and challenging game, download Little Robot now and start your adventure. You will not only destroy enemies but also turn them into loyal warriors in your army, creating dramatic and exciting battles.

What MOD is in this version?

  • MOD menu
  • Coins x100
  • Remove ads.

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Safe: No Malware

Update : 23/06/2024

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